I am currently a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at KU Leuven. I completed my Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. dr. Tias Guns. My research lies at the intersection of Machine Learning (ML) and Combinatorial Optimization Problems (COP).

During my Ph.D., I studied Decision-Focused Learning (DFL). In DFL, ML predictions are followed by COP for decision-making. The objective is to train the ML model, often a neural network, to minimize the error of the COP solutions.

Teaching Experience

  • I delivered a guest lecture in the course Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI at KU Leuven, where I introduced Decision-Focused Learning to master’s students.

  • I gave a seminar lecture titled 'An Introduction to Decision-Focused Learning for Contextual Stochastic Optimization' at Universidad de O’Higgins, Rancagua, Chile.

  • I have supervised and continue to supervise master’s students in their thesis, offering guidance on research methodology, data analysis, and the organization of their thesis.

Conference Articles

  • Jayanta Mandi, Marco Foschini, Daniel Holler, Sylvie Thiébaux, Jorg Hoffmann, Tias Guns. Decision-Focused Learning to Predict Action Costs for Planning. ECAI, 2024, 7th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence [paper] [Code]

  • Jayanta Mandi, Victor Bucarey Lopez, Maxime Mulamba and Tias Guns. Decision-Focused Learning: Through the Lens of Learning to Rank. ICML, 2022, International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022 [paper] [Code] [Presentation] [Poster]

  • Jayanta Mandi, Rocsildes Canoy, Victor Bucarey Lopez and Tias Guns. Data Driven VRP: A Neural Network Model to Learn Hidden Preferences for VRP. CP, 2021, International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 2021 [paper] [Code] [Presentation]

  • Maxime Mulamba, Jayanta Mandi, Michelangelo Diligenti, Michele Lombardi, Victor Bucarey Lopez and Tias Guns. Contrastive Losses and Solution Caching for Predict-and-Optimize. IJCAI, 2021, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021 [paper] [Code] [Presentation]

  • Jayanta Mandi and Tias Guns. Interior Point Solving for LP-based prediction+optimisation. NeurIPS, 2020, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2020 [paper] [Code] [Poster]

  • Maxime Mulamba, Jayanta Mandi, Rocsildes Canoy, Tias Guns. Hybrid Classification and Reasoning for Image-based Constraint Solving. CPAIOR, 2020, 17th International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, 2020 [paper] [Presentation]

  • Jayanta Mandi, Emir Demirović, Peter. J Stuckey and Tias Guns. Smart Predict-and-Optimize for Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problems. AAAI, 2020, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020 [paper] [Poster]

  • Dipankar Chakrabarti, Neelam Patodia, Udayan Bhattacharya, Indranil Mitra, Satyaki Roy, Jayanta Mandi, Nandini Roy, Prasun Nandy. Use of Artificial Intelligence to Analyse Risk in Legal Documents for a Better Decision Support. TENCON 2018, IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2018 [paper]

Journal Articles

  • Maxime Mulamba, Jayanta Mandi, Ali İrfan Mahmutoğulları, Tias Guns. Perception-based constraint solving for sudoku images. Constraints (2024). 1-40. [paper]

  • Rocsildes Canoy, Víctor Bucarey, Jayanta Mandi and Tias Guns. Learn and route: learning implicit preferences for vehicle routing. Constraints (2023). 519-540. [paper]

  • Manisha Chakrabarty and Jayanta Mandi. Entropy-Based Consumption Diversity—The Case of India. Opportunities and Challenges in Development, Springer, Singapore, 2019. 519-540. [paper]

Article in Research Newsletter

  • Ashok Banerjee, Jayanta Mandi and Deepnarayan Mukherjee. Developing a comprehensive earnings management score (EMS). [article]

Coverage in Popular Press

  • Ideas for India. Jayanta Mandi, Manisha Chakrabarty and Subhankar Mukherjee. "How to ease Covid-19 lockdown? Forward guidance using a multi-dimensional vulnerability index". [article]

  • Business Standrd. Ashok Banerjee, Jayanta Mandi and Deep N Mukherjee. "Earnings management in stressed firms". [article]